“What do you mean?” Frankie seemed unaware of what Joey
“I use every single dating app to find broads and I’m still unhappy: not
that cute, neurotic, borderline, crazy as fuck. But you…”
“I don't think mine
are on those apps”.
“How do you do that?” Joey retorted.
“I talk to everyone,
even beggars” was Frankie's obvious response.
“How about the connection??” Joey
looked quite hopeless.
“Don’t know,I never look for anything specific and I
don’t expect anything at all. Maybe cause I’m still exploring life and fighting
for fuck knows what”. Joey started to look away.
“Who are you?” Joey seemed
startled by the question.
“A poor limp fuck who doesn't talk to anyone, full of
prejudices, calculate every move and don’t dare anything. Is that what you wanna
hear?” “Thank you very much mate…”
“Why are you surprised not to win the
Champions League if you don’t even sign up for Conference?”.
Frankie shook his
head and took off.